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VISTAVIEW by Volk Optical

  • Price US$POA
  • Supplier/s Volk Optical
  • Supplier Code VISTAVIEW (IAPB)
  • Country of Origin United States of America
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Product Description

The VistaView was designed with the vision of addressing the overwhelming need that every eye doctor should have their own reliable, affordable, connected retinal camera without having to compromise on quality.

The VistaView integrates the power of Volk optics with the simplicity, portability, and affordability of smartphone technology, allowing everyone access and ownership of a quality portable, mydriatic retinal camera.

VistaView™ – Volk Optical

Product Features

  • Voice Activated Capture for Easy Imaging
  • Adjustable Illumination Levels for Enhanced Patient Comfort
  • Wide Field of View for Uncompromised Image Quality
  • Instantly Generate Reports for Billing, Referrals and Patient Education