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iCare EIDON by Icare Finland Oy

  • Price €POA
  • Supplier/s Icare Finland Oy
  • Supplier Code AMFUNME001 (IAPB)
  • Country of Origin Italy
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Product Description

EIDON TrueColor Confocal Scanning Ophthalmoscope consisting of:- EIDON device- EIDON dedicated tablet- External Power Supply – Power Cord- digital joystick, USB powered- EIDON support for tablet- EIDON support for the joystick- EIDON operating manual- EIDON removable forehead rest- EIDON front lens cap- EIDON dust cover- external fixation light, USB powered- prismatic goggles for stereoscopic view- Packing straps

Product Features

  • Widefield: iCare EIDON’s widefield optics from 60° to 110° field of view allows imaging the central retina as well as the periphery.
  • TrueColor Color Confocal Technology : iCare EIDON is the first TrueColor Confocal system that combines the best features of Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy (SLO) systems with those of standard fundus imaging to set new performance standards in retinal imaging.
  • Small pupil: iCare EIDON Confocal Technology permits imaging through pupils as small as 2.5 mm , speeding up the examination time while ensuring a comfortable patient experience.
  • Confocal Technology: Confocal imaging is a standard in excellent image quality. It’s superior to conventional fundus photography as it blocks the back-scattered light of structures from the outside of the retina focal plane and provides enhanced image quality, with increased sharpness, better optical resolution, and greater contrast.
  • Easy to use: iCare EIDON provides the flexibility of going from fully automatic to fully manual operations — offering features like auto-alignment, auto-focus, auto-exposure, auto-capture, and auto-mosaic. EIDON is easy-to-use and requires minimal staff training.