Care and Regular maintenance can help ensure that the equipment is functioning properly and that there are no malfunctions or errors that could put patients at risk. Maintaining medical equipment can also save money in the long run by preventing costly breakdowns and repairs.This simple video provides enough information for anyone to care and maintain an operating microscope. An operating or surgical microscope is an optical instrument that provides the surgeon with a stereoscopic, high quality magnified and illuminated image of the small structures in the surgical area. The entire microscope should be checked by a biomedical equipment technician at least once every six months.
Basic Care for the Operating Microscope:
- Keep the microscope in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place to prevent fungus growth on the optics (lenses).
- Clean the Optics every week
- To protect it from dust when not in use, drape a cover over the microscope. Vinyl coverings are preferred because they do not shed lint (like cloth coverings do). However, their use should be avoided in humid environments since they can trap moisture, which increases the risk of fungal growth.
- Wipe down the external surfaces with a damp cloth soaked in hot, soapy water.
- Cover the foot pedal with a clear plastic bag to prevent surgical and cleaning fluids from entering and damaging the electronics.
- Lift the foot pedal off the floor when washing the floor.
- Use a voltage stabiliser with the microscope. This will prevent sudden increases in voltage from destroying the bulbs and will ensure that the illumination provided remains constant.
- Before using, test the controls of the foot pedal (the x,y movement, zoom, focus, light on and off).
- Before using, check that the suspension arm can be fixed into position to ensure that it does not fall on the patient.
- Avoid kinking or bending the fibre optic cables.
- When replacing the bulbs, avoid touching them with your fingers. The oil left as fingerprints on the bulb can shorten its life.
- Do not move the microscope while the bulb is still hot because strong vibrations may damage the filament.
- Every six months, clean and oil the wheels and the brakes. Remove any surplus oil when done