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IAPB Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for IAPB Suppliers and Manufacturers

Distributors and manufacturers (referred to below as “suppliers”) to IAPB Members, through their inclusion as a Valued Supplier on the IAPB Standard List, should be aware of and abide by the IAPB’s Code of Conduct. Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in the supplier’s removal from the IAPB Standard List.

IAPB actively encourages all participants of the supply chain to give feedback on any issues arising from quality, customer service, delivery, maintenance or suspected breach of the code of conduct. This may be used to initiate a formal request for further information or enquiry which may result in a supplier being removed temporarily or permanently from the IAPB standard list without prior notice.

Code of Conduct for suppliers and manufacturers:

IAPB expects suppliers to produce and/or sell goods and services that are developed, made or delivered under conditions where:

  • there is no abuse or exploitation of any persons including children
  • steps are taken to ensure least impact on the environment
  • working pay and conditions comply with local law
  • employment is freely chosen
  • the rights of staff to freedom of association and collective bargaining are respected
  • living wages are paid
  • there is no exploitation of children
  • working conditions are safe and hygienic
  • working hours are not excessive
  • no gender, racial or religious discrimination is practised
  • regular employment is provided
  • no harsh or inhumane treatment of staff is allowed

Environmental Standards:

Climate change

The United Nations’ Global Goal 13 urges all countries to take rapid and dramatic climate action to prevent catastrophic environmental consequences. Some countries are stepping up to confront this crisis, but it’s going to take a lot more than just strong words to drive significant change – United Nations Assembly 2019.




Suppliers should as a minimum comply with all their own country statutory and other legal requirements relating to environmental impacts of their business. Areas to be considered are:

  • Waste Management
  • Packaging and Paper usage
  • Conservation
  • Energy Usage
  • Sustainability

Modern Slavery Act 2015

IAPB is committed to improving practices to combat slavery and human trafficking. Suppliers are expected to abide with the following objectives:

  • Not to directly support any organisation, initiative or activity that causes, promotes or contributes to modern slavery or human trafficking.
  • Not to knowingly engage, contract or work with any entitiy or organisation that causes, promotes or contributes to modern slavery or human trafficking.
  • To maintain risk-assessed and transparent supply chains.
  • To remain aligned and co-operate with activitites of the UK Anti-Slavery Commissioner.

Tax Avoidance, Corruption, Bribery and Fraud

Valued Suppliers will not commit tax avoidance, corruption, bribery or fraud and they will notify IAPB immediately if they identify any of these issues related to their work with IAPB and its membership.

They should be aware that they can report all suspicions or allegations of aid diversion, fraud, money laundering or counter terrorism finance to the Counter Fraud and Whistleblowing Unit (CFWU) at or on +44(0)1355 843551

They must notify IAPB if they, their staff or beneficial owners are on any ‘black lists’. Further information on this can be found in the footnote1.

Terrorist Financing

Valued Suppliers will not engage in terrorist financing or work with any other organisation that engages in terrorist financing.

Business Behaviour

IAPB may remove suppliers from the Standard List / Valued Supplier Scheme where:

  • the conduct of suppliers demonstrably violates anyone’s basic human rights, and there is no willingness to address the situation within a reasonable timeframe if requested to do so
  • complaints about quality, customer service, delivery and maintenance appear to be unresolved

IAPB may remove suppliers from the Standard List / Valued Supplier Scheme where companies in the supply chain are found to be involved in

  • the manufacture of arms or the sale of arms to governments which systematically violate the human rights of their own or others citizens
  • pornography or prostitution
  • gambling, other than legal government sanctioned lotteries


This CODE OF CONDUCT does not supersede IAPB Members individual Codes of Conduct. Suppliers are recommended to check these on the members’ websites.

1System for Award Management (SAM)

Master list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons maintained by the US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)

United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sanctions committee established under UNSC Resolution 1267